Resource Guide

Homeschool Dictionary

If you want us to define a term not listed below, email us via the Contact tab and let us know!


ADD/ADHD - Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder

Boxed Curriculum - A complete curriculum that is planned out for you, typically by grade level, that you purchase as a package.

Brick and Mortar school - An "away" school. A K-12 educational institution that is not a homeschool. :D

Charlotte Mason - An influential writer on the education of children. Also, education inspired by her approach and methods.

Getting Started

You are finally ready to take the plunge!  What do you do now?

Create your personal 'Why statement' 

Answering your 'Why' gives you inspiration, focus, and direction. Try to include both general and specific things and keep it as positive as possible. Be sure you write down your answers to the question, "Why am I homeschooling?" For example:

Local Programs

Catholic Hybrid Options

These programs include a set curriculum that you do at home most of the week and then come together one or two days a week for a school day.  Many families like the accountability offered and social opportunities these schools offer.  It is also a great way to find an already existing community to plug into. The main downside to these programs is significantly higher cost compared with "regular" homeschooling.